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Hi. I’m Alison.

Becoming an occupational therapist felt like coming home.

Originally trained in journalism, I received my bachelor’s degree from St. Bonaventure University in 2003. I worked for years at newspapers (editing and designing and photographing) and in public relations. Yet something was missing.

As newspapers began shrinking then disappearing, I knew I needed a change. I asked myself hard questions. I knew I was happiest when I was helping. So I returned to school and graduated with my master’s in occupational therapy from the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

Growing up with a brother born with physical and cognitive challenges made me an OT from the start. How could I be the last one to realize this?

I have worked in acute care, skilled nursing facilities, inpatient rehab, outpatient clinics and now in a school district. I am passionate about OT service delivery and have seen how much it can help people of all ages. Working with children to achieve their goals especially satisfies my soul.

I am home.